Hello! The name's zestpunk! You can just call me zest, though.
This is my personal website. I decided to make one myself as an easy way to keep all my stuff in one condensed space. Makes it easier on myself in case social media kicks the bucket. I hope you enjoy your stay!
This site was the product of months of trial and error. Spent a lot of time trying to teach myself to code and picking apart snippets and site code to see how the hell any of this stuff even worked together. Some things might be off or not as optimized as it could be. So you might see this site changing every so often if you stick around. I'll be doing my best to fix any and all problems!
8.19.2024 - Gallery update! Gallery now uses thumbnails and a different modal script. Added some more art to gallery and removed those I felt weren't all that great. RSS Feed also updated! Embeded a widget from surfing waves into a modal for the sheer purpose of making it look better. A link to the XML sheet is still located in the modal if needed.
Also! All future art uploads will be posted in the RSS Feed! Feel free to subscribe to it with a feed reader for updates!
- 8.8.2024 - Minor updates. Temporarily removed commissions info while I try and update things. Removed unfinished pages - they'll come back later! Fixed some formatting issues. Cleaned up a lot of my CSS. Optimized the images in my gallery. It should load faster now!
- 8.4.2024 - More updates! Cosmetic only, though. No more checkerboard bg. It was a bit of an eyesore. Updated color palette. Added new fonts. Hopefully some parts are easier to read! Added a small box with a Ramblin' Evil Mushroom gif I found online...I dunno it was cute and it fills dead space.
- 8.1.2024 - Remember when I said I was done? I lied. Layout rework. Site now uses flex and is seperated into 3 columns instead of 2. Moved some stuff from 'about me' to the homepage. Looks less barren. Hopefully. Responsive navigation bar added: it collapses on phones! Gallery also reworked. Now uses a tagging system!
- 7.30.2024 - Gallery rework: no longer using thumbnails since modals would retain the data of previous images for a few seconds before updating. About me is finished. Temporary header added. RSS feed created and running. Most of the unnecessary code was removed.
- 7.11.2024 - Added simple navigation for certain site elements such as the gallery, buttons page, and e-shrines. Gave up on adding latest blog/art post widgets. Too cluttered anyways.
- 7.4.2024 - Cosmetic Changes! I ended up changing the site to look like the Earthbound character screen. I think it's cute.
- 7.1.2024 - Site layout reworked (again.) Added Last.fm widget. Added Chatbox. Added iframes for blog and gallery to show latest uploads. Added RSS Feed.